A Guide to Using Breastfeeding Nipple Shields in Malaysia

breastfeeding nipple shield
breastfeeding nipple shield
breastfeeding nipple shield

Using a breastfeeding nipple shield is an essential part of motherhood to provide babies with nutrients for healthy growth and development. However, it can be challenging for some mothers, especially those who have difficulties with breastfeeding due to various reasons. Breastfeeding nipple shields are a useful tool that can help alleviate some of these difficulties, making it easier for mothers to breastfeed their babies. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about breastfeeding nipple shields, including what they are, how they work, and the pros and cons of using them.

What are breastfeeding nipple shields?

Breastfeeding nipple shields are thin, flexible silicone or rubber covers that are placed over the mother’s nipple and areola during breastfeeding. They have a small opening at the end to allow the baby to suckle milk. The nipple shield acts as a barrier between the nipple and the baby’s mouth, which can help protect sore or cracked nipples from further irritation during breastfeeding. Nipple shields come in different sizes, shapes, and thicknesses, and it is essential to choose one that fits properly to avoid any further issues.

How do nipple shields work?

breastfeeding nipple shield
breastfeeding nipple shield

Nipple shields work by creating a barrier between the mother’s nipple and the baby’s mouth. The shield covers the nipple and areola, allowing the baby to latch onto it and suckle milk through the small opening. The nipple shield’s silicone or rubber material can also help stimulate the baby’s mouth and make it easier for them to latch onto the breast. This can be especially helpful for premature babies or those with tongue or lip ties, who may have difficulty latching onto the breast.

Pros of using nipple shields

Pain relief: Nipple shields can help alleviate pain and soreness that may occur during breastfeeding, especially in the early weeks when the baby is still learning to latch correctly.

Easier breastfeeding for some babies: Some babies may have difficulty latching onto the breast due to various reasons, such as a shallow latch or tongue-tie. Nipple shields can help these babies latch onto the breast more easily and get the milk they need.

Protection for sore nipples: Mothers who experience cracked or sore nipples can benefit from using nipple shields to protect them during breastfeeding.

Cons of using nipple shields

Decreased milk supply: Using nipple shields can sometimes decrease milk supply, as the baby may not be able to stimulate the breast as effectively as they would without a shield.

Difficulty weaning off nipple shields: Some babies may become dependent on nipple shields, making it difficult to wean them off the shield and transition to direct breastfeeding.

Potential for nipple confusion: Nipple shields can sometimes cause nipple confusion in babies, as the shield’s shape and texture may be different from the breast, making it harder for the baby to transition between the two.


Breastfeeding nipple shields can be a useful tool for mothers who experience difficulties with breastfeeding. They can help alleviate pain and soreness, make breastfeeding easier for some babies, and protect sore nipples during breastfeeding. However, they also have their drawbacks, including the potential for decreased milk supply and difficulty weaning off the shield. It is essential to consult with a lactation consultant or healthcare provider before using nipple shields to ensure proper usage and avoid any potential issues.